Sunday, March 23, 2014

7th Level Young Souls

At the 7th Level Young Soul, the soul now craves absolute authority. Having accomplished to CLIMB the whole mountain wasn’t easy, so it gets some well-deserved rest by having total control of its surroundings and its society, at the top with a clear view and total control of everything below it. “Rest”, is just an illusion, because meanwhile it will have to endure the freezing cold, the strong winds and any natural phenomenon that might take place, including the destruction of the mountain – and will have virtually no time to rest besides of what will be established in the agenda. Once the soul reaches that top, it realizes there is a whole mountain range to descend back into a valley, and the 7th level young soul experience is like remaining in that top so it can sum up all the lessons learnt in previous lifetimes, pass them on to the ones who will eventually replace them and when what it really wanted to accomplish gets done, it finally feels ready to descend, and goes into the path of the Mature Soul period. This accomplishment could be anything from a break of paradigm to a monumental scale structure, and it will vary and be heavily influenced by the culture, place and time period in which the soul is present.

After multiple lifetimes of karmic payback from the Young soul’s perspective in the 6th level, the soul has accumulated a great wealth of knowledge from the competitiveness and problems that it endured. This wealth is mainly in the form of strategy, intellect and inventiveness. In other words, the soul is now a fully formed independent entity, and for the first time can judge intuitively right from wrong, in absolute matters. Unlike more mature souls however, the 7th level young soul is still focused on survival, and through controlled planning and strategy within the mind by itself, it is capable of convincing itself it is doing nothing wrong, so they will justify their egoistical and sinister choices that will come up during their lifetime as fork road decisions from time to time, and they chose from the moment of birth to work for the light or the dark, based on their very limited view on spiritual matters, leaving much preference for the ‘left hand path’.

Almost approaching the maturation phase, creativity flows, mainly for selfish or ego-satisfying purposes, albeit harmlessly but always with the view of exhibiting inner talent - which can canalize itself in their own genius with the collaboration and guidance as well as manual labor of another individual, usually a skilled professional of an older soul age (like a fashion designer or an architect). Fashion, architecture, ballet, playing a classic instrument and guest entertainment become the most ambivalent creative talents in this soul age. Trend setting becomes possible and frequent, as the soul is observant of what the masses are looking for.

For example, in the medieval age, the common population would be looking for protection from the hostile land invasions, to which the 7th level young souls of that time, the kings and queens – offered them protection and land in exchange for labor and loyalty. Nowadays the creative potential for problem solving goes beyond survival matters and they spend their teen and the first couple of decades always after the representation of the ideal look & style to which anybody in a lower soul age will bow down to.

This behavior disgusts mature souls and they label any creative potential within this level as a deception, a trap. Still, 7th level young souls always win the last battle because the majority of the population simply fails to understand the complexity of deception, or of the “follow my way” trap.

7th level Young Souls possess enough self assurance and self confidence that they will believe they have the answers to any obstacle in life ranging from family and marriage, business, love, culture, history and religion, facts which they often acquire from all the traveling, book reading, family tradition experience and exchange of information through conversation with highly intellectual and/or powerful individuals from all over the world. They process all the accumulated information like a sponge filtering out any spiritual reference, they grind it out and sell it to the world as dogma, and finally accumulate pride once they realize the masses conform with whatever answer they get from them. “What God? I am the God. I will give you the answers.”

Unlike younger souls, and even Young souls of lower levels, they possess a calm grace and a mastery of thought, action and technique, which is why many people unequivocally distinguish them as “superior”, “educated”, or “well-traveled”. They seem to have no enemies, as they are constantly applying “decorum” and social charisma. Everything from brushing their teeth, serving and drinking tea, typing on a laptop keyboard and high-speed driving a sport car will be done with the most accurate technique and as a method of inducing example and assuring others are aware of their mastery. 

Unlike younger souls they won’t spray their talents in your face, but they will prove it with their intellectual skills combined with their plentiful or expensive possessions so you can submit to their example or either end up jealous and energy depleted.

Wars, violence and anything destructive will be taboo for talk during daylight hours or in public. They are very aware of the deep strains of the system and they know it is their job to seal it from commoner’s knowledge if they want to remain in their powerful positions in this society they themselves are leading and creating. They will do their best to avoid any subject or change it altogether. Within a confidence range, such as a secret society meeting, such topics will be discussed with the most insignificant attitude towards peoples everyday lives, only focusing on defending their win in the whole situation.

Many of the more spiritually inclined soul types have an interestingly different approach once they reach this soul level. Although unlike others in this level, they remain aware of the metaphysical reality of life, their soul experience is yet not mature enough for them to realize they are only halfway through the cycle, and they will regard themselves as old souls in their last life. They will commercialize any spiritual idea into a package and sell it to the masses. Jomanda, a famous Dutch new age guru, gained a considerable personal fortune for promoting spirituality and “love” into every day lifestyle. She called herself the “Lady of the Light” and many people from all soul ages approached her for supposed healing. She sold a range of videos in VHS with the concept of “Tele-Healing”, or in other words, just another manifestation of self-empowerment through deceit. 

Oprah Winfrey has captivated the American audience by giving advice and help on relationships, marriage and spirituality. She is however, one of the world’s richest women, and owns a huge mansion and a private jet. The main idea is to tilt the guidance to whatever the group wants and everybody else goes along with it, because young souls want to fit in and be normal.

In Latin America, Walter Mercado is an authority figure in the horoscope, as well as palm reading and other psychic services. As a 7th level young soul, Walter analyzed very carefully his surroundings, and unlike Holland, where Jomanda comes from, he knows that the predominant soul age is around early to mid baby, so his teachings will be far more traditional and parallel to the catholic and occult principles, for the better understanding and therefore interest of the population, and therefore more clients, to the point that he has hosted a variety of shows and remains not only a celebrity figure but also as an inspiration and divine light for many.

Unlike authentic old souls, these individuals don’t practice what they preach, and just like the less spiritually inclined young souls, they are avid performers of materialism and many of them possess palatial houses, sport fancy cars, wear posh jewelry and embroidery and host lavish parties. Most of it gained through spiritual deceit. Another clear example of this is the church representatives from high ranks in small countries like the Dominican Republic to the whole clergy body of the Holy See (Vatican). Small countries like the Dominican Republic are filled with god-fearing baby souls as well as catholic faith earlier young souls; so many 7th level young souls find the church a very good alternative to running a business or occupying something for wealth accumulation.

7th level young souls know about sacrifice, and they learned a lot of it themselves not so long ago in their 6th level young soul lives, where they spent tireless hours in offices working, re-writing number spreadsheets, losing capital after unsuccessful investments, training continuously for a sports competition, exercising and dieting regularly for a model competition or runway show, as well as enduring debt crisis with banks and government for maxing out their credit cards. They also could have been a soldier and experience battling in a war.

They very much expect everyone to submit to a sacrifice and believe that every gain is won by hard work.

From these karmic paybacks they learn the finer aspects of the young soul age – conservative spending for long term projects. 7th level young souls will NEVER spend money on anything they don’t consider essential to the comfort of their ego, no matter how cheap it is, just as it doesn’t matter how expensive it can get when the person feel he needs it. This explains why most 7th level young soul families live in big estates that are specially commissioned with symbolism in the decoration and distribution. Classic columns are also a key feature.

Most of them seem to be as if magnetically attracted to special gems and stones such as diamonds. They are aware of the energy fields and it is taught to them from a young age the embodied energy certain objects and materials have. That’s why most wealthy homes have a marble covered floor, as well as precious antique pieces ranging from oriental porcelain or jade sculptures to gold-leaf platted European craft. They will also have certain stones or crystals in their bedrooms or office, as they view it as a source of energy.

The mid cycle 7th level young soul is the most karmic phase of this level. Many individuals are born possessing what they themselves believe is a vampiric condition, where the chakras of the body are unaligned and located outside the body, and as a result in their mindset they don’t sense themselves any longer as regular human beings. So called “vampires” study the dark aspects of the occult, always with a view of making themselves more powerful and reaching that “balance” they miss out from.

Prana, or life force is a component, which they lack, so they will feed off other living beings so they can feel complete. There is much misunderstanding from the way these individuals obtain prana. Popular culture suggests human blood as their source of it, where they do everything from sucking the jugular vein to bloodbaths. In fact, some eccentric individuals in this particular level take the concept literal and throughout history have made acts of abuse for the obtainment of blood. The reality is however; most vampires can feed off others through telekinetic energy exchange.

Their sense of energy fields is very active, which is why they are constantly aware and cautious on others near them, and it irritates them when others bump into them because they don’t understand “regular humans” don’t have the same sensorial skills. They avoid being in the middle of crowds and seem to have an aerodynamic ability of cutting through crowds without bumping on someone in order to flee. However, they feel attracted to crowds on special occasions such as church masses or nightclubs, where they can feed off excess prana in situations where a lot of energy is being generated.

Vampires are naturally taller and thinner than regular people. Their skin, although not necessarily white, is paler than regular skin. Their bodies possess unaccounted for strength, that is, they possess strength and endurance despite lack of physical exercise or even the appearance of muscle tone. They also rarely get sick and heal considerably faster in the event of disease or surgery. Their taste is very refined, as well as highly selective, so they may eat very little or splurge on a particular food. They have a sharp scent and can associate specific smells with specific individuals or places using their highly developed mind. 

By the end of the 7th level Young soul phase, the soul slowly admits to itself it is tired from all the occupation, competition and labor, as well as the hands-on destruction of its surroundings, and realizes it wants to rest in the laurels of the happier aspects of the lifestyle it has brought itself into. Many individuals still incarnate in abundant wealth, which is supposed to carry many responsibilities, but decide to take a couple of lifetimes of pure luxury, hedonism and decadence, without any responsibilities or consequences. The dirty work and society management can be done by the younger 7th level young souls, while these are delighting themselves in self-comfort as they are closer in approach to the mature soul phase, albeit still lacking the inside and compassion these possess, and feeling no pains of guilt for reckless spending, traveling, partying and consumption. 

Compassion is at first acquired by understanding another persons point of view for the first time, which is only possible by immersing oneself deep into a relationship, which is often a romantic one with the mirror soul mate, on the last hedonistic moments of the young soul phase experience, where the individual discovers for the first time true love within the ego and is ready to move on to a totally new level of awareness.

The mature soul period allows the soul to detach itself from the material possessions and positions of authority so it can search what it really makes them happy. Relationships suddenly have a more important value than work life, boundaries between different kinds of people break down, emotions are let loose and creativity comes to full fruition, through a difficult process of confusion, karmic paybacks and a very developed mental awareness which causes frequent psychological turmoil and distress, which is nothing more than all the garbage they accumulated in their spiritual growth in the young soul days being expelled.

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