Sunday, March 23, 2014

Young Soul World. Where exactly?

To begin all explanation, nothing simply is what is seems. Words are concepts, or boxes, of something much bigger or complex. Words are just a way to communicate through human basic interpretation of many of the different manifestations of the universe. Given that, any word can be made up, to describe anything in particular. That doesn't mean however, that the given named manifestation has to condition its existence to the word applied.

Time evolves, so does our universe, galaxies, planets, life forms, civilizations, languages, words and expressions.

The term Old Soul simply refers to an individual or fragment from the whole (the 'All There Is') that has acquired more advancement in the souls progress in reincarnations into the human experience. That is because humanity is just a cycle of something much bigger, and within that cycle are newly integrated individual fragments that have just entered the cycle and have a much lower although not necessarily worser or inferior sense of awareness. That just means that they haven't completed as much progress as the older souls who have introduced themselves to the cycle much earlier or have had the opportunity to speed of through the cycle quicker than the majority.

Right now humanity as a species is in its late Young Soul Era, the peak of the pyramid where the Ego dominates, and just ready to descend back to union with the whole through the end of the old soul cycle. For that to happen, it has to go through the karmic experiences, accumulations and payback equivalent of that of a late young soul in transition to a mature soul. This translated to humanity as a collective means that right now we are living in an era dominated by late young soul values which brings enough conflict to open ground for mature soul reasoning, which will come to be felt as foundation in some time to come but not until humanity has given itself the pleasure to go through the climax of 7th level young soul consciousness. (Wicked!)

Each soul age level is further broken down into 7 levels that give accurate account of the evolution and progress of each soul. Every level and the existence of its reality and lessons resonates with the meanings of these numbers in numerology.

A way to summarize and conceptualize these numbers into words in the simplest and quickest way  would be the following:

one = unity
two = duality
three = mystery
four = consolidation
five = spirit
six = karma
seven = luck

Coming back to the main topic, late young souls are bound to bring conflict to others for them to get their way. This does not make them worse, or better, than anyone else in any other soul age, because at that given frame of evolution, the soul is learning lessons about independence, enterprise, and power. It has to give itself the pleasure to rule and control as much as it can for the benefit of personal and material wealth so it can allow itself to evolve further into more soul searching and self-questioning attitudes and motivations.

Relatively far away from the young soul lives, Old souls have mellowed out considerably. They have learned throughout many karmic paybacks how not to harm or judge others, and even find it hard to not do so in a world that has been evolving ever more into later young soul consciousness. Right now the values presented to humanity by the ruling class are modeled after 5th level young soul behavior. That simply means that the majority of the population are in this level of advancement right now. Humanity and the planet as a whole however, is entering its mature soul consciousness. This began as Kali Yuga on December 21, 2012 and that just marks the beginning from the transition of these cycles that starts in the 5th level young soul and is completely felt into something fresh and different right around 2nd or 3rd level mature soul, which is expected in some time to come, anything from decades to centuries. That is because first level mature souls, like very first level of any age, seems stuck in their previous level behavior. So will humanity for some time to come trying to struggle out of its own self entrapment, much like a mature soul individual who feels heavily conditioned by a young soul society where certain behaviors are expected but wont be allowed to the surface for fear of rejection. The later levels of mature soul finally end the questioning of authority and allow the soul to break free from the system.

In the present, the 7th level young soul ruling class (composing about 6.66 million people around the world) is being helped by an army of many young souls (more than ever), which in the majority are around their 5th level. As time passes and they evolve, the 7th level young souls will begin introducing 6th level young soul ideals so this majority can feel motivated to progress. The transition has already begun, but we can see a majority still pretty much in 5th level young soul consciusness. That is why right now it is considered as paramount in trend and class to act like if wealth comes easy, and it should be ok to invest time and effort in the pursuit of fun and activities - despite conlifts and strifes. 5th level young souls for the first time have a glimpse of mature soul consciousness within their lives, and with the integration of spirit in their 4th dimensional consciousness, the pentagram mentality allows for much creative effort in the pursuits of their lifetimes.

Things like fashion, beauty, fun, sports, entertainment, traveling, low level occult knowledge and even guest entertainment and integrating creativity and color to their work life is what characterizes this level. This is almost ending of course, and the cycle is opening the doors into the 6th level young soul experience: that of karmic payback and hard lives. Rapid changes in the late 20th century reflected the values of 5th level young souls: new video games, portable technology, colorful and different cellphones, advertisement from everything to tasty (and not necessarily healthy) food to traveling experiences. The young soul is hungry for fun and for creativity in this level. The 6th level young souls in change, reflect the values of those individuals almost reaching the summit for control yet competing harshly to get there: enterprise men, high rank military, politicians, and everyone who has a tooth for competition. This will be reflected with gigantic proportional wars and conflict between nations in the quest for capital and material goods for its own comfort and well being.

The 5th level young soul begins peeking and sneeking into low level occult. The horoscope and zodiac is the good way to start, and it is usually emobied as the quest of control out the name of 'love' or their supposed soul mate. They really get surprised when the things that the horoscope have to say make distant yet square, logical sense and for the first time they sense that connection, to use to their advantage in the obtainment of the relationship of course. That same things reflects in our society values with the proliferation of relationship & love advice and psychic services. Every day more and more people are willing to pay for these kinds of services because for the first time since recently it is considered 'ok' to do that. That doesn't mean it hasn't been done before but it would be heavily frowned upon. (Research Salem Witch Trials).

As the world is finishing its 5th level young soul cycle and entering the 6th, we as a humanity will be witnessing all the karmic paybacks being thrown at us for all our karma created during our young soul phase (the last 2 millennia). In fact, Jesus Christ, who supposedly existed 2,000 years ago is the embodied figure of the divine preparing and announcing the transition from our baby soul era to the young soul era. The Roman Empire Civilization served as the motor for the young soul thought of thinking to reach the mind of every single individual in the world and to this day the remaining baby souls are evolving quicker than ever learning from the young soul majority on how to act, look, think and feel like a young soul. Baby soul consciousness embodies the divine in human form, hence, their gods were their emperors. This way of thinking is obsolete for the young soul majority, so instead they use to their advantage the labor of remaining baby souls to serve them in their young soul pursuits.

By the time the majority of humanity reaches 6th level young soul consciousness, we will see more values put into winning the situations at all costs, taking care of our physical bodies, much physical prowess, sport and exercise practiced regularly, more competitiveness (even more of what there actually is) for individuals to obtain their pursuits (as the world will be by them unproportionately immensely populated). And just as conflictive as 6th level young souls might get to break their obstacles in order to obtain their goals, so will conflicts between nations reach a summit. We are seeing this happen as more people are becoming health conscious, muscle and sport fitness is reaching an ever increasing trend and conflicts bound to bring destructive wars are being announced on broad daylight news.

When all these conflicts finish and the world becomes an official one nation agreement between the rulers of the civilization, this will reflect the our introduction in the 7th level young soul phase, where all the power consolidates into a single, supreme being. (Novus Ordum Seclorum).

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