Sunday, March 23, 2014

4th Level Old Souls

The 4th Level Old Soul is the last ego-trip experience. Much like 7th Level Young Souls and 4th Level Mature Souls, Old Souls in the 4th level have reached a summit, which involves karmic accumulation. Not by dominance like the young soul or by emotional vampirism or drama like the 4th Level Mature Soul, but by calling and borrowing attention, which will include power mode and wealth accumulation so it can get the tools it needs to build something for humanity. They know that if people pay attention, they can teach them something.

This last summit can finally have a view of what’s beyond the ‘mountains’ as well as the whole view of the mountain range behind. It is located in a very strategic point, although not the highest but with plenty of close view of everything that surrounds it. The focus on philosophical, theoretical and spiritual studies of the old soul now suddenly focuses on the ego. They see the world pretty much like a radar with 4th dimensional grid vision, which can also include syncretism of sound and the movement of imaginary patterns, or the visualization of objects following a consolidated order of pattern. 

Numerology, Geography, Perspective, Astronomy, Music, Geometry, Cosmology and Spacial Vision become the main motors of an analytical mind that will momentarily distance itself from the spirit so it can fuel up its power and accelerate its evolution process. Witchcraft and alchemy can turn into introversive passions in its final stages to the point of restrained isolation if the soul does not feel satisfied with its findings of the hidden secrets of the universe. The soul begins to feel suddenly depleted of its own ego, as it worked its churning process of it as it analyzed it from the passion of the soul perspective, never with the objective of destruction but for the passing over of clues and information that will be useful for the society of the future.

In its earlier levels, the old soul finally learnt to how to think by it self, which brought internal turmoil and confusion. Coming from the 3rd Level, they finally decided to take a step back from arbitrary relationships, and focus only on those which will be important or those with a soul connection. The motto “You do what you want to do and I do what I want to do” appeals to them, in contrast from the equivalence and togetherness that mature souls embrace. The 4th Level Old Soul is conscious of their immersion in selfishness and they know they need to emotionally detach themselves from anything that could obstaculize their particular life goal.

Their dedication and innate skills are valued by later young souls, especially the ones in transition. They have served many times as a source of inspiration and as muses for the earlier young souls as part of their anonymous contribution to the world. They will also equally serve as trustworthy sources of information for the mature souls, and pretty much any other old soul. Baby souls will usually don’t understand the message emitted by the old souls so their views will be usually that of intolerance. Infant souls simply do not get them and 4th Level Old Souls particularly have a strain of despite with this soul age because they don’t see them as vital for the functioning of their plan, like if it is a drag, but deep inside they very well know we are all in this together, so their despite only goes so far as to humor.

Innes de la Fressange has been a Chanel Icon, and though albeit very fashionable and stylish, much like a younger soul would, she promotes the essence of self and the employment of power and ego as a tool for success, not AS success itself, and labels “German and American consumers buying brands just for the name of it, not because they identify it with their essence”. They pretty much emotionally condemn anyone who they perceive is going the wrong path. By this point the old soul will turn arrogant in his way of showing how to live a simple yet confortable life, without the need of harming others.

Categorization of people based on their intellect, not wealth, isolates them from the majority of society and only focus on befriending smart, well traveled individuals with lots of valuable information to share. Snobbism is used as a hobby very often in this level, and tolerance with all types of people is their main life lesson still pending to be learned. This is why they will study most of the ancient religions and focus their attention to particular places like Europe, the Middle East and Asian Cultures, which are also concentration centers for the 4th Level Old Souls. They will find many secrets of the information they are personally seeking hidden within the art and architecture in the monuments and structures that predominate in these areas. Monument alignments and street planning become hobbies that more often than not lead them to social isolation from following the regular trend as in listening to popular music, watching TV, or even pursuing a career. 

Many astronomers are in this level, and many astrologers and mathematicians, alchemists, architects and scientists too. Louis Le Vau, for example, was an architect commissioned for the construction of the Palais de Versailles in France. His design is charged with symbolism and even planetary alignments. The highly ornate interiors and materials like marble and gold leaf suggest a lot of energy concentration. Most younger souls don’t get this if explained to but will instinctively feel attracted to the harmonious aesthetic of the architecture.

Their mindset is skilled enough to contain all the sensibility and analyzing that involves being an old soul, and by now they have an instinctual sense of reincarnation. They have the ability to decipher past life clues and are constantly studying what is their exact purpose on this planet. This can lead them to specific positions in a company or as authority figures, because they really want to reach the attention of all of the population so they can teach them all the knowledge they have accumulated. They know they are more advanced than mature souls who still bare with emotional attachment, yet they are very much aware they are not close to transcending the human experience into a superior consciousness outside planet earth.

Unlike Mature Souls or earlier Old Souls, a 4th Level Old Soul converts to egoism as faith. They study the aspects of egoism, cynicism, Gnosticism, alchemy, the texts of secret brotherhoods and even satanism, so they can learn about it and associate it with their daily lives and the environment and society around them, when they will finally realize fact by fact it is a big game, a big plan, and they no longer want to be part of it. They will want to escape the big plan, and start having ideas of ascending into a new reality (which they shortly will in the 5th Level Old Soul), but they feel they owe the world a last big favor. They cannot leave without repaying humanity for all its abuses in the past. In a world dominated by young souls as a majority, the 4th Level Old Soul will chose Ego as the theme for knowledge sharing, as it is what will captivate more attention as these younger souls what so ever interest they could show in deep spirituality will be limited to something they can process as useful.

Many 4th Level Old Souls have given huge contributions to humanity. Nicolaus Copernicus was the first that came up with the idea of the solar system how we see it today, in which the planets orbit in perfect circles around the sun. Like many old souls in their given timeframe era, his work was categorized as blasphemy but years later ultimately led to rejection of the established geocentric cosmology with further discoveries making proof of it. Marc Jacobs promotes sexual provocativeness in many of his works, to the point of eccentricism and self-idolatry. It is his wit and knowledge of what the public is asking for, in detachment from emotional restraints from the consequences it might bring, that can make it possible for him to succeed so well in the market in such a competitive and consolidated atmosphere. Some other famous people in this level are often quoted with publicly saying racial discriminatory quotes, although being only humorous in nature. Younger souls cannot get this and condemn it as foolish and confuse it with primitivism or lack of appliance of rules. In fact, a young soul cannot distinguish the difference of any other soul age other than itself, while Old Souls will work on their method of perceptions of the different vibrations and soul ages other people around them represent.

Gnosticism began as an ancient Babylonian religious movement, which stressed the dualism between light and darkness - good and evil. The Gnosis was knowledge obtained only through “inner illumination” and not by reason or faith in a loving, all-knowing and personal God. The principal characteristics of Gnosticism are the harmonizing of opposites, or syncretism. This is how they can justifiably represent black as white, the light within the shadow, the art (creation) of destruction, or anything bad as something good, for the obtainment of further deeper understanding of life.

Even materialism is practiced if the individual reaches fortune, but strictly for spiritual purposes, for example a lavish home filled with feng shui and exotic elements, but never with the magnificence, order and palatial dimensions of a late young soul. They will always add their personal abstract flavor to the mix, inducing old soul ideals of simple, effortless living.

Bisexuality, homosexuality, and the glorification of the male form is very common in this level, just as it is rare for the soul to reincarnate a female. If marriage occurs it will be because of deep karmic attachment of a past life soul mate. The Vitruvian man proportions are taken as the exact perfection of the human body, and the soul begins to focus on the search of this particular alpha human type. It begins to view sex as a hobby for pleasure, and begins to disregard its role in procreation and the morality within it, as the soul is untying itself from any karmic attachment to the planet, including bearing children.

All they see in human and society rules is limitation for creative development so they they instead follow the universal laws. Younger souls they can perceive this as heresy, and they even will have a raunchy sense of humor often involving taboo subjects and phrases, and make public fun of other individuals in lower soul ages for revering sexual intercourse as a holy act. Many homosexual and bisexual men like Leonardo Da Vinci, Galileo Galilei, Oscar Wilde, King Henry III and Karl Lagerfeld become famous not only for their positions in society but for their ability of expression and vast knowledge on a wide range of subjects.

In earlier centuries it would be easier for the 4th Level Old Soul to stand out as there were very few Young Souls and not even that much Old Souls at all. This brought many famous astronomers and cosmologists. However, the modernization of society exponentially bring difficulty for their talents to be noticed and pretty much all of their existential karma is the feeling of self-entrapment in the human created world. They are ready to flee to nature and often find a spiritual retreat under a simple mangrove of trees. Younger souls might focus on the lack of accommodation or the presence of any insects, but they go beyond all that and discover the hidden purpose of nature: the return to the origin.

They don’t yet feel ready to embrace nature entirely but they will often purchase a vacation home, not for status symbol as younger souls would, but as a special sanctuary or retreat in the mountains or in the woods, even with a strategic nice view. Apartment life also suits them in cities, and never too high a story, as they don’t trust the structure all that much. Cynicism is rampant. For these, the purpose of life was to live in virtue; whatever the condition you were born in brought you to. As reasoning creatures, people could gain happiness by rigorous training and by living in a way that was natural for humans, rejecting all conventional desires for wealth, power, sex and fame. Instead, they were to lead a life condemning unnecessary possessions, including those intangible, like unwanted relationships or a certain title or reputation.

The study of angels and demon entities is analyzed in this level and even information they can relate to their physical beings become aware unlike earlier old souls who are inclined to an emotional level and approach of reality. There is more intellectual centering here, and more emotional distancing. Unlike mature souls who would feel the true emotions of an art piece, the 4th Level Old Souls analyzes the proportions and symbols, and lets those findings evoke any interpretation of concept but very rarely to an emotional level, perhaps astonishment if it is an important discovery. They truly want to change society and will often be parodied with the image of an antichrist by younger souled individuals who do not get them.

Gian Lorenzo Bernini and Francesco Borromini are the two most important Italian architects of the baroque era. They were commissioned straight by the pope for the construction of multiple churches, monuments and statues. They often showed competitiveness to one another and their rivalry and competition resembles the war mentality of younger souls, but never reaching to physical harm, instead they exploited it to create the most opulent symbol charged architecture in the buildings they were commissioned, acting as if they would not mind the many homeless individuals roaming the streets in that era.

Intellectual cafés or an old house with a restored interior patio can be a special meeting place for this soul age. When they have children, if at all probably one, it is usually a karmic payback of a troublesome young soul or mature soul rebel, to which this old soul will need to find the solutions through himself to implement discipline and order to such demanding entity, which could be probably nothing else than the karmic payback of the infant souls that the same soul used for selfish purposes back in their young soul days.

The soul will often demand itself the opportunity of a position of power as to have the final experience to feel immersed in the isolation of the ego. They will feel complete and unlike young souls in transition to mature souls are not attached to human affection so they will feel stronger than ever, ready for a new level of understanding by expelling knowledge, sharing wealth and expressing unconditional love, and repaying all the karma accumulated in the couple past lives on par with the tangible contribution they have made to society and posterity.

Unlike young souls they rarely find any need to recur into deception so any outcome will surely bring them positive karma, and they are very aware that they are following the universal rules, so they are doing nothing ethically wrong. They will think twice before committing any act of destruction and perhaps the worst that could happen in this soul level is to get stuck in apathy or hopelessness, like Diogenes for not accepting the challenge of raising the personal ego vibration.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    I didn't see another way to send you a message (sorry). Just wondered what your name is and also if you wrote the soul age level chart; if not, I'm wondering who the source is.

    Shepherd Hoodwin
    shepherdhoodwin @ gmail (dot) com
